I had just recently finished playing through Life is Strange, the episodic story-based game by Dontnod Entertainment. It certainly inspired the title, and the emotional mindset the finale left me in lead me to the off-bar piano chords, but it turned into a look upon the world from a wider viewpoint and all the madness that is within it. I do really like small orchestral pieces, especially ones inspired by natural surroundings. Put me in a forest with a guitar and we'll see what comes out!
Chaos Theory - Original Composition
Soothing minimal piano and strings combine together in a harmonious exploration of our world and those that inhabit it. Chaos is the world, and the routes within it chaotic. But examined from within, it can be admired and the complex beauty of all life is revealed.
Callum Bigden
DeveloperCallum Bigden is a freelance Sound Designer and Composer living in London. If you want to get in touch you can contact him through the social networks below, he would appreciate it.