A Marvelous New Website!

by 15:13 0 comments
So it's taken a while after months of inactivity but this site has received a fancy new visual update with logos and images and other various fancy things. All of the pages have been updated, streamlined and basically just made nicer.

To celebrate this marvelous new website, below is an old piece written in 2011 as part of my college coursework. I've only recently rediscovered it, and was so pleasantly impressed I thought there would be no harm in featuring it here.

Essentially the brief for the piece had to involve voice samples, and express a view I had about the MPs expenses scandal at the time. That view seems to be quite clear; I seemed to be quite the anti-politician back then...

Anyway I hope you enjoy the piece and I look forward to showing off more frequent updates in the upcoming months.

Callum Bigden


Callum Bigden is a freelance Sound Designer and Composer living in London. If you want to get in touch you can contact him through the social networks below, he would appreciate it.