Yesterday was World UFO Day. It is a day that is so often looked over by many people, while those who know of it look intently for crop circles in their porridge. But changing the subject completely, I am announcing an album.
I've been rather inactive these past few weeks, even my Twitter has fallen into long periods of silence. The reason for this is I've been busying myself with a whole new project, one that I called complete yesterday. This particular project has kept me up into the long hours of the morning planning and worrying about why I attempted something quite so impossibly massive.
But I am relieved to say that I have finished that project. Well, most of it, anyway. The main bulk of the actual music is completed, now I'm onto the fiddly little post-production bits. I am also relieved to say that the finished project is a full length album, of songs with words and pianos and guitars and strange effects that might question the entire basis of music as you know it, but most likely won't.
Yes, a whole album, titled Conventional Abduction. (It isn't 12 songs persuading you to go look for porridge aliens don't worry.) I can't reveal anything else about it, because I don't yet know it myself. All I know is the release date, which I suppose I can say is the 3rd September, this year.
So I'm pleased I can finally tell people, I'm upset that I don't have any finer details on just it, but I hope this song taken from the album will make up for it. The track is called Home, feel free to share and download it. I look forward to sharing more details once I've worked it all out.
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